Interior and Exterior Renovation of the Children's Emergency Department at the National Mother and Child Health Center Completed

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Monpolymet Group and Moncement Building Materials LLC, through their Munkh Sustainable Development Fund have once again demonstrated their commitment to societal well-being. This time, they have successfully completed the interior and exterior renovation of the Children's Emergency Department at the National Mother and Child Health Center.

The interior was enhanced with safe and comfortable furniture specifically designed for children. Additionally, the exterior was improved with accessible entrances and exits for wheelchairs and vehicles. A new outdoor shelter was also constructed for the convenience of visitors, and the address signage was updated.

The Emergency Department, which serves an average of 300-500 children daily, is one of the busiest areas of the center. The renovation focused on improving critical spaces like the reception area, emergency rooms A and B, and the neonatal waiting area, ensuring a positive impact on the quality of care through the installation of necessary furnishings.

Despite facing challenging times and operational interruptions, our team remained dedicated to completing this vital project for the community. The work has now been successfully handed over.

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