Moncement Plant Recognized as National Manufacturer of 2021. Outstanding National Manufacturer and Entrepreneur Company of the Year

"Moncement Building Materials" LLC was honored as the Outstanding National Manufacturer and Entrepreneur Company of the Year by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This recognition was awarded during the annual event that celebrates the best performers in the industry.

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"Moncement Building Materials" LLC was honored as the Outstanding National Manufacturer and Entrepreneur Company of the Year by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This recognition was awarded during the annual event that celebrates the best performers in the industry.

Over the past six years, Moncement has achieved significant milestones. We have established strong partnerships with over 150 domestic suppliers, participated in more than 200 major construction projects across both the public and private sectors, created over 1,000 jobs, and collaborated with over 200 customer entities. These accomplishments highlight our substantial contribution to Mongolia's ongoing development.

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